About us

AlgaeDB is an online algal omics database designed to facilitate the sharing of algal omics data and functional annotations. We aim to provide a freely available, easy-to-use centralised resource of red algal omics data. This resource aims to host and share publicly accessible red algal genomics and transcriptomes data along with functional annotations, and a mechanism to search and compare those annotations between organisms.

Contact Us

Feel free to get in contact with us via the following:

Email: Lachlan.McKinnie@research.usc.edu.au

You can also get in touch with me through my other outputs:


AlgaeDB was created using data from a variety of databases and online datasets. Notable datasets and external databases used in the creation of this database are listed below.

Internal datasets


Data from: Incomplete sterol biosynthesis pathways and highly duplicated haem peroxidases revealed in Rhodophyte algae using multi-omics is the initial dataset used to create this database, and forms the supplementary data to an article of entitled Identification of Incomplete Annotations of Biosynthesis Pathways in Rhodophytes Using a Multi-Omics Approach, published in Marine Drugs.

External datasets


The One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes project was a study to explore the phylogenomics of plants (Archaeplastida), using transcriptome sequencing of over 1000 green plants (Viridiplantae), green alage (Chlorophyta), red algae (Rhodophyta), and other organisms.


The One Thousand Plant Transcriptome (1KP) project data was published under a Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL) v1.0. Please view the original license details at: https://datacommons.cyverse.org/browse/iplant/home/shared/commons_repo/curated/oneKP_capstone_2019


The Marine Microbial Eukaryotic Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP) was a large-scale project aiming to illuminate the functional diversity of eukaryotic ocean life by using transcriptome sequencing. It generated over 650 publicly available and functionally annotated transcriptomes. Of these, ten were red algal assemblies.

Subsequent research studies have since performed further quality control and reassembly for many of these assemblies. The MMETSP assemblies used in this database are the reassembled assemblies published by Vlierberghe et al 2021.

Related works

Original study


Reassembled data, Johnson et al 2019


Reassembled, Vlierberghe et al 2021


Original study
Reassembled data, Johnson et al 2019


Reassembled, Vlierberghe et al 2021



Reassembled, Vlierberghe et al 2021

The MMETSP assemblies, reassembled by Vlierberghe et al 2021, are made available under a CC BY-4.0 license. Please see the original dataset for details.


The genomes of polyextremophilic Cyanidiales contain 1% horizontally transferred genes with diverse adaptive functions (Rossoni et al, 2019) explored the extent of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and its role in the evolution in red microalgae from the phylum Cyanidiophyceae. Ten genome assemblies were published in this dataset, which are used in this website. This dataset included gene and protein annotations, as well as functional annotations. For this website and associated dataset, functional annotations including KEGG were reannotated to match the annotations of other organisms, however the original functional annotations can be downloaded from their original dataset.


This work was published under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Decidation license. Please see the original dataset for details.


Is this information correct? Do you have data you want to add to this database? Got any questions? If so, please contact me at Lachlan.McKinnie@research.usc.edu.au

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