Contig |
A contig is a set of overlapping DNA sequences that overlap in a way that provides a contiguous representation of a genetic sequence. |
Fasta |
A FASTA file is a text-based file for representing nucleotide or amino acid sequences. FASTA are represented by a definition line starting with the ">" symbol, and amino acid or nucleotide letters starting on the next line. For example: >Fasta name atgcatgacgatgctag |
Nomen nudum (nom. nud.) |
Nomen nudum (Latin for 'naked name') is a taxonomic designation that has not been published with an adequate description. |
Orthologue |
Orthologues (or orthologs) are genes in different species that were duplicated from an ancestral gene via speciation. Typically, gene orthologues are able to keep the same or similar function. Contrast: paralogue, xenologue. |
Paralogue |
Paralogues (or paralogs) are copies of genes within a single species that originated from gene duplication within the same genome. Due to a lack of selective pressure, gene paralogues may lose or change their function in one or more copies. Contast: orthologue, xenologue. |
Repeat elements |
Repeat elements are patterns of repetitive sequences of DNA or RNA that occur in multiple copies throughout the genome. Repetitive elements can comprise large proportions of an organism's genome, and are broadly organised into two categories: interspersed elements, which are spread throughout the genome, and tandem repeats, which are organised close to or next to each other. |
Retrotransposon |
Retrotransposons, also called Class I transposable elements, are genetic elements that replicate themselves throughout the genome using an RNA intermediate. |
Rhodophyta |
Rhodophyta, or red algae, is a phylum of algae containing over 7000 species distributed worldwide, and include both unicellular and multicellular algae. Red algae are characterised by eukaryotic cells missing flagella and centrioles, chloroplasts missing external endoplasmic reticulum, unstacked thalakoids, and the presence of phycobiliproteins as pigments. |
Satellite repeats |
Satellite repeats, or satellite arrays, are large arrays of non-coding, tandem DNA sequences. They are referred to as satellites as they contain a different composition of nucleotide bases to most DNA sequences, and thus produce additional "satellite" bands when separated via buoyant density centrifugation. |
Scaffold |
A scaffold is a non-contiguous series of genomic sequences separated by gaps of known length. Typically they are made of series of contigs. |
Xenologue |
Xenologues (or xenologs) are gene homologues acquired by horitzontal gene transfer from another species. |