Assembly name | Dumontia simplex IEHF |
AlgaeDB ID | Dum_simp_IEHF |
Source | 1KP |
Source ID | IEHF |
NCBI Txid | 142491 |
Bioproject | PRJEB21674 |
Year | 2019 |
Assembly type | Transcriptome |
Assembly level | Scaffold |
Sequencing technology | Illumina HiSeq 2000 |
Assembly method | SOAPdenovo |
Assembly Length (bp) | 18,414,637 |
Assembly BUSCO score | C: 61.6 (S: 55.7 D: 5.9) F: 14.9 M: 23.5 |
Protein BUSCO score | C: 41.2 (S: 36.9 D: 4.3) F: 15.3 M: 43.5 |
GC content | 52.83 |
Gene count | 4,238 |
Contigs | 19,120 |
Contig N50 | 2,284 |
Contig L50 | 2,442 |
Scaffolds | 18,665 |
Scaffold N50 | 2,343 |
Scaffold L50 | 2,380 |
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