Annotations Explorer: Galdieria yellowstonensis 108.79 E11


Assembly Details

Assembly name Galdieria yellowstonensis 108.79 E11
AlgaeDB ID Gsulph108.79E11
Strain/Intraspecific name 108.79 E11
Source NCBI
Source ID GCA_026122205.1
NCBI Txid 3028027
Bioproject PRJNA851236
Year 2022
Assembly type Genome
Assembly level Contig
Sequencing technology PacBio Sequel
Assembly method FALCON v.0.3.0; HGAP v.3; CANU v.2.2

Assembly Statistics

Assembly Length (bp) 14,511,588
Assembly BUSCO score C: 74.9 (S: 65.5 D: 9.4) F: 6.7 M: 18.4
Assembly coverage 285.0x
GC content 40.0
Contigs 76
Contig N50 191,579
Contig L50 29

Biosample Details

Biosample SAMN29217978
Location USA: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Tissue cell culture
Broad context Hot spring
Local context acidic (pH 3-4)



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