Annotations Explorer: Porphyridium aerugineum MMETSP0313


Note: This assembly has alternate annotation profiles published.

Assembly Details

Assembly name Porphyridium aerugineum MMETSP0313
AlgaeDB ID Por_aeru_MMETSP0313-McKinnie2023
Strain/Intraspecific name SAG 1380-2
Source MMETSP_Vlierberghe
Source ID MMETSP0313
NCBI Txid 2792
Bioproject PRJNA248394
Year 2021
Assembly type Transcriptome
Assembly level None
Sequencing technology Illumina
Assembly method BPA v1.0, BPA v2.0

Assembly Statistics

Assembly Length (bp) 15,731,035
Assembly BUSCO score C: 34.9 (S: 31.0 D: 3.9) F: 23.9 M: 41.2
Protein BUSCO score C: 32.9 (S: 29.4 D: 3.5) F: 19.6 M: 47.5
GC content 48.89
Gene count 10,866
Contigs 22,715
Contig N50 963

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